Vibrant Harmony™ Bouquet
Hit all the right notes with our radiant everyday bouquet. Hand designed by our florists, this harmonious gathering features pops of orange, purple, hot pink and lavender, along with accents of cascading greenery. It’s arranged in our keepsake White Modern Vase, with a tapered design and matte finish that complements the vibrance of every bloom.
All-around arrangement with yellow roses, mini orange Gerbera daisies, purple larkspur, hot pink Peruvian lilies (alstroemeria) and lavender statice; accented with feather willow eucalyptus and assorted greenery
Artistically designed in our Modern White Vase, with a tapered design and a matte finish, for a contemporary look that also has a softness to it, to complement everyday arrangements
Our florists select the freshest flowers available, so colors and varieties may vary due to local availability
To ensure lasting beauty, Peruvian lilies may arrive in bud form and will fully bloom over the next few days
Order by 3:00 PM EST for same day pickup or delivery!
* Fee charged in addition to the Standard Delivery Fee
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